Technical SEO site analysis-

Report generated on 2024-12-21 at 18:10:03 (UTC +00:00).
10 months ago

Body Mass Index Rechner - BMI

Berechnen Sie Ihren BMI mit unserem Online-Tool…
Body Mass Index Rechner - BMI - Technical SEO site analysis -
Rankify Ai Beta


The title tag is perfect.
Body Mass Index Rechner - BMI
The title tag is the HTML element that specifies the title of the webpage. The title tag is displayed at the top of your browser, in the search results, as well as in the bookmarks bar.
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Meta description
The meta description tag is good.
Berechnen Sie Ihren BMI mit unserem Online-Tool…
The meta description is an HTML tag that provides a short and accurate summary of the webpage. The meta description is used by search engines to identify a webpage's topic and provide relevant search results.
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The headings are properly set.
  1. Body Mass Index Rechner
  1. Was sagt der Body Mass Index (BMI) aus?
  2. Überblick über moderne Diäten
  1. Rubrik
  2. Neue Einträge
  3. Archivierte Aufzeichnungen
  1. Wer mit seinem Gewicht unzufrieden ist oder nach Ansicht seines Arztes zu viel oder zu wenig auf die Waage bringt, kann sich am BMI orientieren und sein Gewicht verändern.
  2. Möglich ist dies unter anderem durch eine Umstellung der Ernährung und die Bevorzugung einer (hauptsächlich) pflanzlichen Vollwertkost
  1.                        BMI Berechnung 
  2. /* блок1*/ #dhtmlgoodies_bmi_calculator{ width:300px; /* Width of entire calculator Ширина всего калькулятора сдвиг влево вправо */ height:430px; /* Height of entire calculator Высота всего калькулятора рамки грвфики*/ font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif; /* Fonts to use Шрифты для использования*/ } #dhtmlgoodies_bmi_calculator .calculator_form{ /* Form */ width:300px; /* Width of form div Ширина формы */ float:right; /* Position the form at the left of the graph Расположите форму слева от графика*/ padding-left:5px; /*отступ-слева*/ padding-right:5px; /*отступ-справа*/ } #dhtmlgoodies_bmi_calculator input{ width:230px;/* ширина кнопка ввода*/ } #dhtmlgoodies_bmi_calculator .calculator_form .textInput{ width:100px; /* Width of small text inputs Ширина небольших текстовых вводов*/ text-align:center; /* Right align input text Выравнивание входного текста по правому краю*/ } #dhtmlgoodies_bmi_calculator .calculator_graph{ width:298px; /* Width of graph div Ширина графика*/ float:left; /* Position bar graph at the left Позиция гистограммы слева*/ background-color:#DDD; /* Light gray background color Светло-серый цвет фона*/ border:1px solid #555; /* Gray border around graph Серая граница вокруг графика*/ height:90%; position:relative; /* высота положение:относительное*/ } .calculator_graph .graphLabels{ /* Help labels at the top of the graph Справочные метки в верхней части графика*/ background-color:#FFF; /* White bg цвет фона белый*/ padding:3px; /* Some air обивка*/ margin:2px; /* Around around help div помощь вокруг*/ border:1px solid #555; /* Gray border серая граница*/ } .graphLabels .square{ /* Small square showing BMI, e.g.: Below 18.5: Underweight Маленький квадрат, показывающий ИМТ, вес ниже 18,5*/ height:26px; /* Width of square Ширина квадрата */ width:26px; /* Height of square Высота квадрата*/ border:1px solid #000; /* Black border Черная граница*/ margin:2px; /* "Air" воздух */ float:left; } .graphLabels .label{ /* Help text, , e.g.: Below 18.5: Underweight Текст справки, например: Ниже 18,5: Недостаточный вес*/ width:200px; /* Width Ширина */ height:14px; /* Height Высота*/ font-size:0.9em; /* Font size Размер шрифта*/ padding-left:6px; /* Space at the left of label пробел слева от метки*/ float:left; /*левый*/ } .barContainer{ /* DIV for both the multicolor bar and users weight bar как для многоцветного бара, так и для весового бара пользователей*/ position:absolute; bottom:0px; border:1px solid #000; border-bottom:0px; text-align:center; /*выравнивание текста:по центру*/ vertical-align:middle; /*вертикальное выравнивание:среднее*/ } .barContainer div{ /* colored div inside "barContainer цветной div внутри "barContainer*/ border-bottom:1px solid #000; } .barContainer .labelSpan{ /* Label indicating users BMI Метка, указывающая ИМТ пользователей*/ background-color:#FFF; /* White BG цвет фона белый*/ border:1px solid #000; /* Black border */ padding:1px; /* "Air" inside the box */ font-size:0.99em; /* Font size Размер шрифта */ } .clear{ /* Clearing div - you shouldn't do anything with this one вы ничего не должны делать с этим*/ clear:both;/* ясно и то и другое*/ } /* блок2*/ /************************************************************************************************************ BMI calculator Copyright (C) October 2005, Alf Magne Kalleland This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, hereby disclaims all copyright interest in this script written by Alf Magne Kalleland. Alf Magne Kalleland, 2010 Owner of ************************************************************************************************************/ var useCm = true; // Using centimetre for height,Использование сантиметров для роста, false = inch var useKg = true // Using kilos for weight,Использование килограммов для веса, false = pounds var graphColors = ['#0000FF','#00FF00','#FFA500','#FF0000']; // массив цветов, используемых в левой панели var graphLabels = ['Unter 18.5 Untergewicht','18.5 - 24.9 Normal','25.0 - 29.9 Übergewicht','30 und höher Adipositas']; // Надписи, появляющиеся над полосами 'Ниже 18,5: недостаточный вес', '18,5 - 24,9: нормальный', '25,0 - 29,9: избыточный вес', '30 и выше: ожирение' var labelsPerRow = 1; /* Help labels above graph Справочные метки над графиком.Количество меток в строке над полосами*/ var barHeight = 250; // Total height of bar, Общая высота бара,Общая высота полос var barWidth = 70; // Width of bars,Ширина полос */ // Don't change anything below this point */ var calculatorObj; var calculatorGraphObj; var bmiArray = [0,18.5,25,30,60]; /* BMI VALUES */ var weightDiv = false; function calculateBMI() { var height = document.bmi_calculator.bmi_height.value; var weight = document.bmi_calculator.bmi_weight.value; height = height.replace(',','.'); weight = weight.replace(',','.'); if(!useKg)weight = weight / 2.2; if(!useCm)height = height * 2.54; if(isNaN(height))return; if(isNaN(weight))return; height = height / 100; var bmi = weight / (height*height); createWeightBar(bmi); } function createWeightBar(inputValue){ if(!weightDiv){ self.status = Math.random(); weightDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); = barWidth + 'px'; weightDiv.className='barContainer'; = Math.round((calculatorGraphObj.offsetWidth/2) + ((calculatorGraphObj.offsetWidth/2) /2) - (barWidth/2)) + 'px'; calculatorGraphObj.appendChild(weightDiv); var span = document.createElement('SPAN'); weightDiv.appendChild(span); var innerSpan = document.createElement('SPAN'); innerSpan.className='labelSpan'; span.appendChild(innerSpan); }else{ span = weightDiv.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[0]; innerSpan = weightDiv.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[1]; } var color = graphColors[graphColors.length-1]; for(var no = bmiArray.length-1;no>0;no--){ if(bmiArray[no]>inputValue) = graphColors[no-1]; } if(inputValue/1>1){ innerSpan.innerHTML = inputValue.toFixed(2);'inline'; }else'none'; var height = Math.min(Math.round(barHeight * (inputValue / bmiArray[bmiArray.length-1])),barHeight-10); = Math.round(height) + 'px'; = height + 'px'; } function validateField() { this.value = this.value.replace(/[^0-9,\.]/g,''); } function initBmiCalculator() { calculatorObj = document.getElementById('dhtmlgoodies_bmi_calculator'); calculatorGraphObj = document.getElementById('bmi_calculator_graph'); if(!useCm)document.getElementById('bmi_label_height').innerHTML = 'inches'; if(!useKg)document.getElementById('bmi_label_weight').innerHTML = 'pounds'; var heightInput = document.getElementById('bmi_height'); heightInput.onblur = validateField; var widthInput = document.getElementById('bmi_height'); widthInput.onblur = validateField; var labelDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); labelDiv.className = 'graphLabels'; calculatorGraphObj.appendChild(labelDiv); for(var no=graphLabels.length-1;no>=0;no--){ var colorDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); colorDiv.className='square'; = graphColors[no]; colorDiv.innerHTML = '<span>'; labelDiv.appendChild(colorDiv); var labelDivTxt = document.createElement('DIV'); labelDivTxt.innerHTML = graphLabels[no]; labelDiv.appendChild(labelDivTxt); labelDivTxt.className='label'; if((no+1)%labelsPerRow==0){ var clearDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); clearDiv.className='clear'; labelDiv.appendChild(clearDiv); } } var clearDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); clearDiv.className='clear'; labelDiv.appendChild(clearDiv); var graphDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); graphDiv.className='barContainer'; = barWidth + 'px'; = Math.round(((calculatorGraphObj.offsetWidth/2) /2) - (barWidth/2)) + 'px'; = barHeight; calculatorGraphObj.appendChild(graphDiv); var totalHeight = 0; for(var no=bmiArray.length-1;no>0;no--){ var aDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); = graphColors[no-1]; aDiv.innerHTML = '<span>'; var height = Math.round(barHeight * (bmiArray[no] - bmiArray[no-1]) / bmiArray[bmiArray.length-1]) - 1; = height + 'px'; graphDiv.appendChild(aDiv); } createWeightBar(1); } Größe: cm Gewicht: kg /* блок4*/ initBmiCalculator();  
The h tags represents the headings of the webpage. The h1 tag is the most important h tag, and describes the main topic of the page, while the rest of the tags describe the sub-topics of the webpage.
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Content keywords
The content has relevant keywords.
body mass index rechner bmi
The webpage's content should contain relevant keywords that can also be found in the title of the webpage.
The alt attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed. The alt attribute is also useful for search engines to identify the subject of the image, and helps screen readers describe the image.
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SEO friendly URL
The URL is SEO friendly.
The SEO friendly URLs are URLs that contain relevant keywords with the webpage's topic, and contain no special characters besides slashes and dashes.
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The 404 webpage status inform the users and the search engines that a page is missing.
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The webpage can be accessed by search engines.
A robots.txt file inform the search engines which links from the website can be accessed.
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The webpage does not have a noindex tag set.
The noindex tag instruct the search engines to not index the webpage.
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The webpage has the language declared.
The lang attribute declares the webpage's language, helping search engines identify the language in which the content is written, and browsers to offer translation suggestions.
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The favicon is the icon that is being displayed in the browser's tab, when the webpage is being bookmarked, and sometimes even in search engine results.
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Text compression
The HTML file is compressed.
The HTML filesize is 15.88 kB.
The text compression helps speeding up the webpage's load by compressing the HTML's content.
Load time
The webpage load should be under 2.00 seconds.
The webpage loaded in 3.56 seconds.
The load time indicates the HTML's total load time, and does not include the external resources, such as images, scripts, or other resources.
Page size
The size of the HTML webpage is 15.88 kB.
The page size indicates the HTML's total size, and does not include the external resources, such as images, scripts, or other resources.
The HTTP requests represents the number of external resources present on the webpage.
The images format represents the images that are not served in a next-generation file format. Images served in a next-generation format improve the webpage's load performance.
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The defer attribute allows the browser to download the scripts in parallel and execute them after the webpage has been parsed, improving the webpage's load performance.
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DOM size
The DOM size is optimal.
The HTML file has 287 DOM nodes.
The DOM size indicates the number of nodes the HTML webpage has.
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HTTPS encryption
The webpage uses HTTPS encryption.
The HTTPS encryption helps protecting the user's security and privacy.
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Mixed content
There are no mixed content resources on the webpage.
The mixed content is the content that is loaded over the HTTP connection while the webpage itself was loaded over HTTPS connection.
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Server signature
The webpage has a public server signature.
The server signature is the public identity of a web server which contains information that could be used to exploit known vulnerabilities.
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Unsafe cross-origin links
The webpage does not have unsafe cross-origin links.
Plaintext email
The webpage does not contain any plaintext emails.
Email addresses posted in public are likely to be fetched by crawlers and then collected in lists used for spam.


Structured data
The webpage has structured data.
  1. og:type website
  2. og:locale de_DE
  3. og:site_name Body Mass Index Rechner
  4. og:title Body Mass Index Rechner
  5. og:description Berechnen Sie Ihren BMI mit unserem Online-Tool…
  6. og:url
  7. og:image
  8. og:image:width 1200
  9. og:image:height 607
  1. twitter:card summary_large_image
  2. twitter:title Body Mass Index Rechner
  3. twitter:description Berechnen Sie Ihren BMI mit unserem Online-Tool…
  4. twitter:image
  1. @context
  2. @graph
    • 0
      • @type WebSite
      • @id
      • url
      • name Body Mass Index Rechner
      • description BMI
      • inLanguage de-DE
      • potentialAction
        • @type SearchAction
        • target
          • @type EntryPoint
          • urlTemplate{search_term_string}/
        • query-input required name=search_term_string
      • publisher
        • @id
    • 1
      • @type WebPage
      • @id
      • url
      • name Body Mass Index Rechner &#x2d; BMI
      • description Berechnen Sie Ihren BMI mit unserem Online&#x2d;Tool&#8230;
      • inLanguage de-DE
      • isPartOf
        • @id
      • breadcrumb
        • @type BreadcrumbList
        • @id
        • itemListElement
          • @type ListItem
          • position 1
          • name Body Mass Index Rechner
      • potentialAction
        • @type ReadAction
        • target
      • about
        • @id
    • 2
      • @type Organization
      • @id
      • name Body Mass Index Rechner
      • url
      • logo
        • @type ImageObject
        • url
        • contentUrl
        • width 512
        • height 512
The structured data tags help the search engines better understand the content of the webpage, and allows them to create rich snippets in search results.
Meta viewport
The webpage has a meta viewport tag set.
width=device-width, initial-scale=1
The meta viewport tag instruct the browsers how to render the viewport of the webpage.
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Character set
The webpage has a charset value set.
The meta charset tag specifies the character encoding, helping the browsers to better render the characters and symbols on the webpage.
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Sitemaps inform search engines about pages available for crawling on the website.
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The webpage does not contain any social links.
Social media presence is becoming increasingly important as a ranking factor for search engines to validate a website's trustworthiness and authority.
Content length
The webpage has 1,507 words.
The content length represents the number of words found on the webpage. The webpage should contain a decent amount of words.
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Text to HTML ratio
The text to HTML ratio is 20%.
The text to HTML ratio represents the percentage of actual text compared to the percentage of HTML code on the webpage.
Inline CSS
The webpage contains inline CSS code.
  1. position:absolute; left:-9999px;
  2. text-align: center;
  3. text-align: center;
  4. text-align: center;
  5. text-align: left;
  6. color: #3366ff;
  7. text-align: left;
  8. text-align: center;
  9. color: #0000ff;
  10. color: #0000ff;
  11. text-align: center;
  12. color: #0000ff;
  13. color: #0000ff;
  14. text-align: center;
  15. text-align: center;
  16. color: #3366ff;
  17. color: #3366ff;
  18. font-weight: 400;font-style: normal
  19. width: 100%
  20. font-weight: 400;font-style: normal
  21. font-weight: 400;font-style: normal
  22. max-width:75px;max-height:75px;
  23. max-width:75px;max-height:75px;
  24. max-width:75px;max-height:75px;
  25. max-width:75px;max-height:75px;
  26. max-width:75px;max-height:75px;
The style attribute contains CSS style rules that are applied to the element. Inline CSS code unnecessarily increases the webpage's size, and can be moved in an external CSS file.
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Deprecated HTML
There are no deprecated HTML tags on the webpage.
The deprecated tags represents the tags that are not supported HTML5 standard anymore, and could cause the webpage to be rendered incorrectly.
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