Technical SEO site analysis-

Report generated on 2025-02-15 at 23:06:29 (UTC +00:00).
10 months ago

Темные нефтепродукты оптом - купить с доставкой в Алексине

Масло с доставкой по недорогим ценам в Алексине от оптововой компании НефтьОпт. Купить масло с доставкой оптом в Алексине можно у нас.
Темные нефтепродукты оптом - купить с доставкой в Алексине - Technical SEO site analysis -
Rankify Ai Beta

Analysis of the site

Site Title: The site title does not contain keywords related to the company's products or services. This can have a negative impact on search results, since the page title is one of the most important elements for SEO optimization. It is recommended to add keywords to the title, for example: "Dark petroleum products wholesale - buy with delivery in Aleksin | NeftOpt."

Meta description: The meta description contains keywords, but is long and uninformative. It is recommended to shorten the description and add more specific information about the company's products and services.

Headings: The headings on the page do not follow the h1-h6 structure. It is recommended to use h1 for the main page title, h2 for subheadings, and so on. It is also recommended to add keywords to the headings, for example: “Dark petroleum products wholesale in Aleksin - an advantageous offer from NeftOpt.”

Content Keywords: The keywords listed in the "content_keywords" section do not match the keywords in the title and meta description. It is recommended to use the same keywords in the title, meta description and page content.

Load Time and Page Size: Page load time is 2.5 seconds and page size is 30 KB. This can affect site optimization, as search engines prefer fast and lightweight pages. It is recommended to optimize images and minimize page code to speed up loading.

Viewport Meta: The viewport meta indicates that the site is optimized for mobile devices. This has a positive effect on site optimization, since many users now use mobile devices to access the Internet.

SEO-friendly URL: The page URL contains keywords and is clear to users. This has a positive effect on site optimization, as search engines prefer readable URLs.

Content Length: The content on the page is 2355 characters. It is recommended to add more information about the company's products and services, as this may affect the page's ranking in search results.

Noindex: The page does not have the noindex meta tag, which means the page can be indexed by search engines. It is recommended to add this tag if the page should not be indexed.

Micro markup analysis:

Open Graph: Open Graph markup contains information about the site name, content type, title, description, URL and image. It is recommended to add more detailed information about the company's products and services, as this may affect the attraction of users from social networks.

Twitter: Twitter markup contains information about the content type, domain, title, description, and image. It is recommended to add more detailed information about the company's products and services, as this may affect the attraction of users from the social network Twitter. microdata contains information about the website, organization, breadcrumbs, author, and web page. It is recommended to add more detailed information about the company's products and services, as this may affect the ranking of the page


The title tag is perfect.
Темные нефтепродукты оптом - купить с доставкой в Алексине
The title tag is the HTML element that specifies the title of the webpage. The title tag is displayed at the top of your browser, in the search results, as well as in the bookmarks bar.
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Meta description
The meta description tag is good.
Масло с доставкой по недорогим ценам в Алексине от оптововой компании НефтьОпт. Купить масло с доставкой оптом в Алексине можно у нас.
The meta description is an HTML tag that provides a short and accurate summary of the webpage. The meta description is used by search engines to identify a webpage's topic and provide relevant search results.
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The headings are properly set.
  1. Темные нефтепродукты оптом в Алексине
The h tags represents the headings of the webpage. The h1 tag is the most important h tag, and describes the main topic of the page, while the rest of the tags describe the sub-topics of the webpage.
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Content keywords
The content has relevant keywords.
темные нефтепродукты оптом купить с доставкой в алексине
The webpage's content should contain relevant keywords that can also be found in the title of the webpage.
Image keywords
There are 1 images with missing alt attributes.
The alt attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed. The alt attribute is also useful for search engines to identify the subject of the image, and helps screen readers describe the image.
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SEO friendly URL
The URL does not contain any relevant keywords.
The SEO friendly URLs are URLs that contain relevant keywords with the webpage's topic, and contain no special characters besides slashes and dashes.
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The 404 webpage status inform the users and the search engines that a page is missing.
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The webpage can be accessed by search engines.
A robots.txt file inform the search engines which links from the website can be accessed.
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The webpage does not have a noindex tag set.
The noindex tag instruct the search engines to not index the webpage.
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In-page links
The number of links on the webpage is okay.
  1. Калькулятор
  3. Нефтепродукты
  4. Бензин
  5. Керосин
  6. Дизельное топливо (сорярка)
  7. ГКС (Газовый конденсат стабильный)
  8. Нефтепродукты с нефтебаз
  9. Топливо/Нефтепродукты с заводов производителей
  10. Сжиженный углеводородный газ (СУГ)
  11. Темные нефтепродукты
  12. Все нефтепродукты
  13. Масла
  14. Услуги
  15. Заправка бытовых котлов
  16. Заправка Газгольдеров
  17. Заправка спецтехники и водного транспорта/кораблей
  18. Доставка
  19. Бензина Автотранспортом
  20. Дизельное топливо Евро 5 c НПЗ и ЛПДС
  21. ДТ и Керосин малогабаритным транспортом
  22. Нефтепродукты с нефтебаз
  23. Газового Конденсата Стабильного (ГКС)
  24. Сжиженных Газов (СУГ) ПА, ПБА, СПБТ
  25. Темные нефтепродукты
  26. Масла
  27. Менеджер по продажам
  28. Стажер в отдел продаж
  29. Удаленная работа
  30. Контакты
  31. Темное печное топливо
  32. Темное печное топливо
  33. МАЗУТ М 100
  34. МАЗУТ М 100
  35. Битум БНД-У 100/130 «Битурокс»
  36. Битум БНД-У 100/130 «Битурокс»
  37. БИТУМ 70-100
  38. БИТУМ 70-100
  39. Образец заявки на самовывоз
  40. Оставить заявку
  42. Бензин аи 80
  43. Бензин аи 92
  44. Бензин аи 95
  45. Бензин аи 98
  46. Бензин аи 100 Евро 5
  47. Бензин газовый стабильный (БГС)
  48. Битум
  49. Газ для газгольдера
  50. Газпром добыча Надым
  51. Газпромнефть МНПЗ
  52. Дизельное топливо (сорярка)
  53. Зимнее дизельное топливо
  54. Летнее дизельное топливо
  55. Мазут М-100
  56. ПБА (Пропан бутан автомобильный)
  57. Славнефть ЯНОС
  58. Электродный проезд, д. 8А, офис № 7
  60. Нефтепродукты
  61. Бензин
  62. Керосин
  63. Дизельное топливо (сорярка)
  64. ГКС (Газовый конденсат стабильный)
  65. Нефтепродукты с нефтебаз
  66. Топливо/Нефтепродукты с заводов производителей
  67. Сжиженный углеводородный газ (СУГ)
  68. Темные нефтепродукты
  69. Все нефтепродукты
  70. Масла
  71. Услуги
  72. Заправка бытовых котлов
  73. Заправка Газгольдеров
  74. Заправка спецтехники и водного транспорта/кораблей
  75. Доставка
  76. Бензина Автотранспортом
  77. Дизельное топливо Евро 5 c НПЗ и ЛПДС
  78. ДТ и Керосин малогабаритным транспортом
  79. Нефтепродукты с нефтебаз
  80. Газового Конденсата Стабильного (ГКС)
  81. Сжиженных Газов (СУГ) ПА, ПБА, СПБТ
  82. Темные нефтепродукты
  83. Масла
  84. Менеджер по продажам
  85. Стажер в отдел продаж
  86. Удаленная работа
  87. Контакты
  88. Алексин
The webpage has the language declared.
The lang attribute declares the webpage's language, helping search engines identify the language in which the content is written, and browsers to offer translation suggestions.
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The favicon is the icon that is being displayed in the browser's tab, when the webpage is being bookmarked, and sometimes even in search engine results.
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Text compression
The HTML file is compressed.
The HTML filesize is 30.54 kB.
The text compression helps speeding up the webpage's load by compressing the HTML's content.
Load time
The webpage load should be under 2.00 seconds.
The webpage loaded in 2.53 seconds.
The load time indicates the HTML's total load time, and does not include the external resources, such as images, scripts, or other resources.
Page size
The size of the HTML webpage is 30.54 kB.
The page size indicates the HTML's total size, and does not include the external resources, such as images, scripts, or other resources.
HTTP requests
There are fewer than 40 HTTP requests on the webpage.
The HTTP requests represents the number of external resources present on the webpage.
The images format represents the images that are not served in a next-generation file format. Images served in a next-generation format improve the webpage's load performance.
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The defer attribute allows the browser to download the scripts in parallel and execute them after the webpage has been parsed, improving the webpage's load performance.
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DOM size
The DOM size is optimal.
The HTML file has 991 DOM nodes.
The DOM size indicates the number of nodes the HTML webpage has.
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HTTPS encryption
The webpage uses HTTPS encryption.
The HTTPS encryption helps protecting the user's security and privacy.
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Mixed content
There are no mixed content resources on the webpage.
The mixed content is the content that is loaded over the HTTP connection while the webpage itself was loaded over HTTPS connection.
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Server signature
The webpage has a public server signature.
The server signature is the public identity of a web server which contains information that could be used to exploit known vulnerabilities.
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Unsafe cross-origin links
The webpage has 1 unsafe cross-origin links.
Plaintext email
The webpage contains plaintext emails.
Email addresses posted in public are likely to be fetched by crawlers and then collected in lists used for spam.


Structured data
The webpage has structured data.
  1. og:site_name Масло с доставкой - опт крупный и мелкий в Алексине | Нефтьопт
  2. og:type article
  3. og:title Масло с доставкой - опт крупный и мелкий в Алексине | Нефтьопт
  4. og:description Масло с доставкой по недорогим ценам в Алексине от оптововой компании НефтьОпт. Купить масло с доставкой оптом в Алексине можно у нас.
  5. og:url
  6. og:image
  7. og:image:secure_url
  1. twitter:card summary
  2. twitter:domain
  3. twitter:title Масло с доставкой - опт крупный и мелкий в Алексине | Нефтьопт
  4. twitter:description Масло с доставкой по недорогим ценам в Алексине от оптововой компании НефтьОпт. Купить масло с доставкой оптом в Алексине можно у нас.
  5. twitter:image
  1. @context
  2. @graph
    • 0
      • @type WebSite
      • @id
      • url
      • name Топливная компания ООО "НефтьОпт"
      • publisher
        • @id
    • 1
      • @type Organization
      • @id
      • name Топливная компания ООО "НефтьОпт"
      • url
      • logo
        • @type ImageObject
        • @id
        • url
      • image
        • @id
      • contactPoint
        • @type ContactPoint
        • telephone +78002503694
        • contactType Customer Support
    • 2
      • @type BreadcrumbList
      • @id
      • itemListElement
        • 0
          • @type ListItem
          • @id
          • position 1
          • item
            • @id
            • name Home
            • description Нефтепродукты оптом - по выгодным ценам в Алексине от компании НефтьОпт. Купить нефтепродукты по оптовым ценам можно у нас с доставкой.
            • url
          • nextItem
        • 1
          • @type ListItem
          • @id
          • position 2
          • item
            • @id
            • name Темные нефтепродукты
            • description Оптовая продажа темных нефтепродуктов по выгодным ценам от компании НефтьОпт. Купить темные нефтепродукты оптом в Алексине можно у нас.
            • url
          • previousItem
    • 3
      • @type Person
      • @id
      • url
      • name administrator
      • image
        • @type ImageObject
        • @id
        • url
        • width 96
        • height 96
        • caption administrator
    • 4
      • @type WebPage
      • @id
      • url
      • name Темные нефтепродукты оптом - купить с доставкой в Алексине
      • description Оптовая продажа темных нефтепродуктов по выгодным ценам от компании НефтьОпт. Купить темные нефтепродукты оптом в Алексине можно у нас.
      • inLanguage ru-RU
      • isPartOf
        • @id
      • breadcrumb
        • @id
      • author
      • creator
      • datePublished 2023-02-16T13:53:55+03:00
      • dateModified 2023-04-02T20:17:18+03:00
The structured data tags help the search engines better understand the content of the webpage, and allows them to create rich snippets in search results.
Meta viewport
The webpage has a meta viewport tag set.
width=device-width, initial-scale=1
The meta viewport tag instruct the browsers how to render the viewport of the webpage.
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Character set
The webpage has a charset value set.
The meta charset tag specifies the character encoding, helping the browsers to better render the characters and symbols on the webpage.
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Sitemaps inform search engines about pages available for crawling on the website.
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The webpage has 1 social links.
Social media presence is becoming increasingly important as a ranking factor for search engines to validate a website's trustworthiness and authority.
Content length
The webpage has 2,355 words.
The content length represents the number of words found on the webpage. The webpage should contain a decent amount of words.
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Text to HTML ratio
The text to HTML ratio is under 10%.
The text to HTML ratio is 5%.
The text to HTML ratio represents the percentage of actual text compared to the percentage of HTML code on the webpage.
Inline CSS
The webpage contains inline CSS code.
  1. display: none;background-image:url(;
  2. display: none;background-image:url(;
  3. display:none
  4. text-align: center;
  5. display:none
  6. transform-origin: center;
  7. transform-origin: center;
  8. transform-origin: center;
  9. transform-origin: center;
  10. transform-origin: center;
  11. transform-origin: center;
  12. transform-origin: center;
  13. transform-origin: center;
  14. width: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px;color: black;
  15. display: none;
  16. display: none;
  17. display: none;
  18. display: none;
  19. display: none;
  20. display: none;
  21. display: none;
  22. display: none;
  23. display: none;
  24. display: none;
  25. display: none;
  26. display: none;
  27. display: none;
  28. display: none;
  29. display: none;
  30. display: none;
  31. display: none;
  32. display: none;
  33. position:absolute; left:-9999px;
The style attribute contains CSS style rules that are applied to the element. Inline CSS code unnecessarily increases the webpage's size, and can be moved in an external CSS file.
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Deprecated HTML
There are no deprecated HTML tags on the webpage.
The deprecated tags represents the tags that are not supported HTML5 standard anymore, and could cause the webpage to be rendered incorrectly.
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