is a site that provides ratings of films and games, as well as news and selections of films and games. It also contains a meta description, page titles, keywords and micro markup that affect its visibility in search engines.
Main errors and their impact:
1. The page title does not contain keywords - the page title "Ratings of films and games -" does not contain keywords related to the subject of the site. This can negatively affect its ranking in search results, since search engines use the page title to understand its content.
Recommendations: add keywords related to the topic of the site to the page title. For example, “The best ratings of films and games on”.
2. Meta description is not optimized - meta description "MetaRankings - rating of films, games and TV series by Internet users with detailed descriptions, ratings, reviews, critics' reviews and release dates." does not contain keywords and does not reflect the main topics and content of the site.
Recommendations: optimize the meta description by adding keywords related to the theme of the site and reflecting the main topics and content.
3. Unstructured headings - page headings do not have optimal structure, as they do not reflect the main topics and content of the page. For example, the title "New Movies" does not indicate which films it is talking about.
Recommendations: Use structured headings that reflect the main topics and content of the page. For example, “The best new films on”.
4. Insufficient use of keywords in the content - keywords related to the site's theme are not used often enough in the page content. This can negatively affect the site's ranking in search results.
Recommendations: use keywords in the text of the page, but do not overuse them. They should fit organically into the content and not create a feeling of unnaturalness.
5. Lack of micro-markup - the site does not use micro-markup, which helps search engines understand the structure and content of the page. This can have a negative impact on your site's ranking, as micro markup helps search engines more accurately understand the page's content.
Recommendations: add micro markup to the site using standards. This will help search engines better understand the content of the page and increase its visibility.
Positive words of advice from Rankify Ai:
1. Improving the page title and meta description will help search engines better understand the topic and content of the site, which will attract more target audience.
2. Optimizing the structure of headings and using keywords in the content will help increase the visibility of the site in search results and attract more organic traffic.
3. Adding micro markup will help search engines better understand the content of the page and increase its ranking in search results.
4. Don’t forget also about quality content that will be interesting and useful for users. This will help keep your audience engaged.
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