The website has a number of problems that can reduce its visibility in search engines.
1. Headings: Headings h1 and h2 do not contain keywords related to the theme of the site (material, theme, ui). This can make it difficult for search engines to understand exactly what the site is about. It is recommended to use keywords in headings to make them more informative and relevant to the theme of the site.
2. Meta description: The meta description contains several keywords, but it is not informative enough and does not reflect the main functions and features of the site. This can reduce the site's attractiveness to users and reduce its likelihood of appearing in search engine results. It is recommended to improve the meta description by adding more detailed information about the site and its functionality.
3. Heading Structure: Heading structure is not logical and does not reflect the hierarchy of information on the page. For example, headings h3 and h4 are at the same level, although they should be subheadings for h2. It is recommended to align the heading structure with the hierarchy of information on the page.
4. Content keywords: The main keywords (material, theme, ui) are present in the content, but their number is not enough to optimize the page for search queries. It is recommended to add more keywords to your content, but do not overuse them to avoid negatively impacting your page ranking.
5. Micro-markup: The site does not have micro-markup, which can improve the visibility of the site in search engines and help them understand the structure and content of the page. It is recommended to add micro markup using appropriate tags for each element (eg headings, images).
6. Poor loading speed: The site has a fairly high loading time (0.203377 seconds) and a large page size (5899 bytes). This can negatively impact the user experience and affect your site's search engine rankings. It is recommended to optimize page loading speed, for example, compress images and minimize code.
7. Unoptimized URL: The page URL does not contain keywords and is not informative. It is recommended to optimize the URL by adding keywords and making it more understandable for users and search engines.
In general, to improve the visibility of the site in search engines, it is necessary to optimize headings, meta descriptions, heading structure, content keywords, add micro-markup and optimize page loading speed. It is also recommended to use more informative and opt
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