Analysis of the site
Main errors and their impact:
1. Unoptimized page title: “Igor Zimin: The emergence of the Eastern Data Center can improve the quality of life in the island region -” The title does not contain keywords, making it difficult for search engines to understand what exactly the page is about. This can negatively affect the site's ranking in search results.
Recommendations: Include the main keywords in the title, such as “data center”, “eastern”, “quality of life”, “Rostelecom”. It is also worth adding a more informative title that reflects the essence of the article.
2. The meta description does not match the content of the page. The meta description contains information about the Rostelecom company, and not about the article itself. This can be confusing for search engines and users who expect to see information about the Eastern Data Center in the page description.
Recommendations: Update the meta description to include keywords and a brief description of the content of the article.
3. Incorrect heading structure. The page uses one H1 heading and several empty H3 headings. This does not follow SEO guidelines, which recommend using only one H1 heading per page and numbering all other headings sequentially.
Recommendations: Correct the structure of headings by numbering them according to their importance and briefly summarizing the content of each.
4. Insufficient number of keywords in the content. The article uses only 13 keywords, which is not enough to optimize the page for search queries.
Recommendations: Add more keywords to the text of the article related to the topic of the Eastern Data Center and its impact on the quality of life in the region.
5. Unoptimized page URL. The page URL contains only numbers, which is not informative for search engines and users. There are also no keywords in the URL.
Recommendations: Correct the URL to include key keywords and make it more readable.
6. Lack of micro-marking. The page lacks micro-markup, which allows search engines to better understand the content of the page and display more informative results in the search results.
Recommendations: Add microdata to the page, including basic information elements such as title, description, image and URL.
Positive words of advice from Rankify AI:
Considering the above errors, we recommend making the necessary changes to the page to improve its visibility in search engines. It is important to remember about proper optimization of titles, meta descriptions, title structure
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